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Dubai Cargo Terminal Becomes Home To Web Nine Lives Animal Rescuers

Dubai Cargo Terminal Becomes Home to WEB Nine Lives Animal Rescuers

WEB Nine Lives: A Haven for Rescued Cats

WEB Nine Lives, a renowned volunteer-run foster-based pet adoption service, has found a new home at the Dubai Cargo Terminal in the iconic DXB International Airport. As the UAE's largest cat adoption service, WEB Nine Lives provides a sanctuary for 100 rescued, healthy, and beautiful cats, eagerly awaiting their forever homes.

A Unique Haven for Furry Friends

WEB's sprawling 60,000 sqft indoor park boasts the world's largest dedicated play area for pets, offering an unparalleled haven for furry companions. The state-of-the-art Day Care center features three pools, ensuring endless entertainment and well-being for the animals.

WEB's unwavering commitment to finding a loving home for every dog is evident in their tireless efforts. Their belief that each animal deserves a chance at happiness drives their mission to connect abandoned or neglected pets with compassionate families.

Unveiling Hidden Gems of Nature

Beyond the bustling metropolis of Dubai lies a hidden world of untouched wilderness, teeming with exotic animals native to the land. Join us as we explore 10 breathtaking hidden gems, inviting you to witness the astonishing diversity and resilience of the natural world.
