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Leeds Rhinos Players Salary

Leeds Rhinos Salary Cap: What You Need to Know

What is the Salary Cap?

The salary cap in rugby league is a limit on the amount of money that a club can spend on player salaries. The cap is set by the Rugby Football League (RFL) and is designed to ensure that all clubs have a fair chance of competing for success.

How Much is the Salary Cap?

The salary cap for the 2023 season is £2.1 million. This equates to around £1,040,000 per year on a three-year deal.

Who is the Rhinos' Marquee Man?

The Rhinos' marquee man is Luke Gale. This means that he is the highest-paid player on the team and his salary is not included in the salary cap.

What is the Future of the Salary Cap?

The RFL is currently reviewing the salary cap and is expected to make changes for the 2024 season. One possible change is to increase the cap to £2.2 million.
